Applying What I Learned at INFCON 2024 in Practice

Applying What I Learned at INFCON 2024 in Practice <Yoo Da-jeong’s UX Writing Session>

I’m sharing my experience of applying what I learned from Yoo Da-jeong’s session “UX Writing, Persuading with Logic, Not Feeling” from Baemin (Delivery Hero) at INFCON 2024.

To summarize what I learned from the seminar:

  • Define the situation, user motivation, and expected results before writing the copy.
  • First, check the information that needs to be conveyed, then organize the tone.

These were the two main points, and coincidentally, the next day, a UI/UX designer asked for help with copywriting, so I tried to improve it keeping these two points in mind.

Writing Goal Exposure screen: Story writing screen Target user: Users uploading photos when writing a story

Points to consider when writing error messages Explain the error situation, suggest a solution

Situation: The user attached more than two photos while writing a story, but some photos were not uploaded

Motivation: Understand that some of the photos were not saved

Expected result: Recognize that photo upload failed, then either save the story without re-uploading or attempt to upload again

AS-IS title: N photos couldn’t be registered subtitle: Photos that failed to upload will be excluded from registration btn1: Try again btn2: Save as is

Concerns I was concerned about which solution to emphasize in the error situation:

  1. Attempt to re-upload 2. Save excluding the photos that failed to upload Personally, I had experiences where pressing the re-upload button multiple times didn’t work and only kept showing failure messages. So I thought I should inquire with the development team. When I asked about the probability of success on retrying the upload, I was told that if it failed once, the chances of failure on retry were high.

So I decided to guide users to save excluding the photos that failed to upload as the CTA. If re-uploading couldn’t be a definite solution, I thought it would be better to quickly get out of this error situation and then upload the failed photos anew. My team members agreed with this direction, so we decided to go this way.

I organized the information to convey as follows: 📌 Information to convey

  1. How many photos failed to upload
  2. The fact that photos that failed to upload won’t be saved if saved as is

Then I refined the copy.

TO-BE The improved copy is as follows:

title: 3 photos failed to upload subtitle: If you choose to save as is, photos that failed to upload will be excluded and saved btn1: Save as is btn2: Upload again

Result screen This is the result screen. I think I need to practice more. There were many times when I couldn’t get a grip because there’s no correct answer, but I’m glad I learned a new approach from Yoo Da-jeong’s UX writing session at INFCON. Thank you! 🫶






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